
Every year (not last year due to you know what) we got to Paris to eat croissants, drink wine and feel jealous of them still being in the EU … oh and find great new suppliers of frames.

We went recently and found a fab new supplier who makes frames in Nantes, France and names them all after drinks and foods - ordered some boeuf bourguignon! Also, made a massive order of the new Sea2See collection - the frames made from recycled sea plastic pollution are very popular with us now. We were the first suppliers in the UK and seeing the founder Francois is always great fun.

The point of going is to find new cool frames, but also to meet the founders/designers and strengthen our relationship with them. It’s good to put a name to an email, but also it helps when it comes to sorting out all the Brexit importing tangles that have not gone away yet.

Every frame we stock - every single one- is hand picked by us. That means we’ve picked it up, felt the quality, often tried it on and chosen which colours we prefer. We don’t pick anything from Luxottica (*google to understand why) or anything with loads of designery label stuff on the side.

They should start arriving soon - look out on socials for pictures.

Karl Hallam