Sort of open

It’s taking a while to find ways to adapt to the new situation. We are lucky that our customers are eminently sensible, kind and helpful. We have opted for appointment only Tuesday to Friday and browsing on Saturdays.

It feels wrong not letting people in during the week who just want to pop in, but we want people booked in to feel safe and like they have enough space.

We’re socially distancing as staff and with the you, the public too. Following the pre-checks the optometrist (me often) does as much as possible in the consulting room without the patient coming in, to ensure the time in there is most effectively spent. In truth we only come with 1m very briefly and we have a screen between us and masks.

On Saturdays there are no appointments and people have to wait if we are “full” - which means either two separate people, two small bubbles, one big bubble. Grab a coffee and hope it sin’t raining.

If you’re an existing customer and struggling with vision or your specs and can’t find a suitable appointment, then please email and we’ll see what we can do as an alternative

Karl Hallam