Paris - tough job

Every September we set off to a huge trade show called Silmo - it’s in Paris. We don’t go just because an event in Paris is inherently more exciting than one at the NEC in Birmingham … but, because we get to meet frame designers and makers from around the world and find what we want to stock for the coming year.

One of the best things about being a truly indepedent store (note lots of indies in our sector have now sold out to a group) only we decide what we want to sell. No head office sending us stuff we don’t like or think is up to scratch.

All our poshest frames are handmade in Europe - there are still lots of manufacturers in France, Spain, Italy, Germany etc - there are 1 or 2 only in the UK now. It’s so much for fun checking out their stuff - we like quirky, but there is quirk and there is quirk! Much of what is there is too much and we are looked upon as quite conservative in the UK.

We meet up with optical friends when we are out there to share our finds and even sometimes to buy together … oh, and we tend to have a couple of nice meals out too when there.

Karl Hallam
End of summer .... start of what?

End of summer, climate emergency, back to school, cost of living crisis, new PM ….

Going to the autumn with a sense of trepidation this year. Everything seems so uncertain and diferent to any time I can ever remember. Bills people can’t pay (domestic and business) and a government asleep at the wheel.

We hope that the bizarre leadership campaign has obscured a seriousness that is needed and that they listen to Martyn Lewis, Jack Monroe and Greta Thunberg.

Karl Hallam
New Optometrist - Independent Optician - Sheffield

Sharonjit (Sharon) has joined us at Eyeye and we are very excited about it. She was attracted by our ethical approach and unhurried, thorough eye test philosophy. I (Karl - owner and optometrist) am thrilled to have someone committed to taking up the challenge of doing things differently - not following the optical industry standard of being pressured into quicker testing times.

The industry standard eye test has a 20 minute slot - this is not optimal for the patient (you) or the optom (us). It’s rushed , things are not explained enough and questions are not answered well enough.

Talking through our process with Sharon reminds me how sophisticated our methodology is, I call it evidence based optometry. So, when I say we like to do things a certain way, it is because there is a good reason - a why - all orientated around giving better eyecare.

The optometry degree requires high A’level grades, the degree has lots of content and is very demanding, as is the following pre-registration year and professional exams - it’s so sad that all that work so often leads to people becoming eye testing robots, just trying to get to the end of their rammed clinic - ensuring they upsell enough to keep the manager of their back.

The Eyeye approach is team effort - it’s not dependent on any individual (including me) - from booking your appointment to getting new specs fitted, it’s a though out process aimed at doing optics better.

So, it’s exciting to get new young, blood into the team - she is looking forward to getting to know you all.

Karl Hallam